Kokorokon is excited to announce its relocation to the Gateway Convention Center in 2023!
Many of you are familiar with this venue already, and the Kokorokon team is very happy to be working alongside the Gateway Center staff to bring to you year two of Kokorokon!
The Gateway Center offers you free parking and directions to get to Kokorokon may be found below.

Address is:
1 Gateway Drive
Collinsville, IL 62234
By Highway
Traveling North on Interstate 55/70, take Collinsville Exit 11. At the traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Convention Center is located on your left.
Traveling East on Interstate 40 or Interstate 44, Take Interstate 55/70 North, to Collinsville Exit 11. At the traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Convention Center is located on your left.
Traveling East or West on Interstate 64, Take Exit 9 and drive North on Hwy 157, approximately 7 miles, to Eastport Plaza Drive which is located off Hwy. 157. Turn left on Eastport Plaza Drive, then right on Gateway Drive. Gateway Convention Center is located on left.
Traveling North or South on Interstate 255, take Exit 26, Horseshoe Lake Road, Turn Left. Immediately turn right onto Eastport Plaza Drive and then left onto Gateway Drive. Gateway Convention Center is located on right.
By Air
Lambert St. Louis International Airport is located about 30 minutes from Collinsville by ground transportation. In addition, Mid America Airport in southern Illinois is located about 20 minutes from Collinsville.
By Mass Transit
The St. Louis metro area mass transit district, which includes Collinsville, is served by a combination of light rail, bus and train service. All are easily accessible from Gateway Convention Center with bus stations on site.
Convention Map
A map of the convention will be shared here closer to the convention. Please check back at a later time.